A New Day Dawns




Worldathon was born in early March,2011 in response to the amazing political and personal events unfolding in the Middle East and Northern Africa, a snapshot in time which will forever be known as the Arab Spring. Spring has turned to summer and we have had to face some editorial facts.

As our name implies we originally intended to cover unfolding events the world over, whether they be Chinese suppression of the Tibettan people, the struggle of women in Saudi Arabia to obtain something as basic as their driver’s license or (yes) even an occasional “feel good” event such as the Royal Wedding in Great Britain. We have however been kept busy with the heroic struggles of the people living in what is now known in the media as the MENA region- the Middle East and North Africa.

You have no doubt noticed our abscence for the last month. We have taken this time to re-assess our mission as a blog. Where should our emphasis be in order to report stories in an unbiased manner while covering the largest area possible ? Are we truly worldwide in scope or should we re-name ourselves and become a blog devoted exclusively to the MENA area ? As executive editor it has fallen to me to preside over what has at times been a rather contentious debate over this central subject. Exciting at times and maddening at others,we simply needed to find our path in the blogosphere. As a group we have finally arrived at a decision.

Monday July 4,2011 is Independence Day in the United States where we are based (in Boston). It marked a new start for the former British colonies. That day will mark Worldathon’s new start as well.

Under the name Breathing Freedom we will be exclusively covering the Middle East and Northern Africa. We will also be a daily blog,being published at approximately 0100 GMT every day. In addition we will be inviting submissions from guest contributors with extensive knowledge in this area of the world. By concentrating solely on one area of our world we hope to offer more in depth coverage. We won’t just cover armed conflict,but rather the culture and people of the lands we hope to get to know better.

Please watch for the new us. It is my hope that you will be even more pleased with our finished product every day. New beginnings are always exciting, aren’t they ?


Jeffrey Warren,Executive Editor


3 thoughts on “A New Day Dawns

  1. La verdad es que estrañamos sus excelente publicaciones, ahora entiendo porqué, lo que me da mucho gusto, pues poder contar con información como la que Ustedes comparten en su Blog, es un privilegio que genera un compromiso; el de difundir la verdad y así lo hago casi siempre
    Todo cambio es positivo y tal y como lo plantean lo será más, ¡en horabuena!
    Respecto a sugerir un nombre, solo se me ocurre algo así como ¡África y Arabia Revolution! bueno es sólo una sugerencia, en el entendido que Ustedes, que saben más que yo de esto, de seguro encontrarán el más adecuado
    Reciban todos Ustedes un cordial saludo y un abrazo fraternal, desde México y de su amigo Jesús Torres Navarro

    • Hola mi buen amigo Jesús,
      Muchas gracias por las amables palabras de apoyo a nuestro trabajo en lo que se Worldathon, ahora titulada La respiración de la Libertad.
      Desde nuestro inicio nos hemos esforzado en presentar hechos y observaciones en las manos de lectores como usted. Es mi sincera esperanza de que se encuentra nuestra nueva publicación sea más agradable y una fuente digna de información sobre el Oriente Medio y África del Norte.
      Déjame saber lo que piensa de la Libertad de respiración, que se inicia la publicación el lunes, 4 de julio. En nombre del personal y colaboradores invitados les deseo un gran fin de semana!
      Saludos cordiales,
      Jeffrey Warren, Editor Ejecutivo
      Respirar Libertad Media Group

  2. Pingback: A New Day Dawns (via worldathon) « Jestoryas's Blog

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